Wednesday 10 February 2010

Treatment- in progress-

Written by the whole group.
Dual minds-(working title)

Mrs Jones is an adored mother who is loved by her daughter. she is a single, hard working and well known amongst the members of her community. unbeknown to her community Sara Jones has shielded her innermost trauma, the death of her mother. But thats not the only trauma she deals with, as everyday when the evening draws to a close she is stuck battling with her inner most demons. A sudden and brutal killing has emerged in the friendly neighbourhood of Chilbirk, no one knows who done it. No one.

Final treatment:

Domestic Duplicity

Mrs smith is an adoring mother who is loved by her daughter and was divorced by her husband. unbeknown to her police officer daughter, Laura smith, her father left her mother because he was unable to cope with her dual persona.

Laura smith is a police officer uncovering a huge case about a murder in the area. However little does she know that her mother should be the number one suspect. Mrs smith goes day to day unknowing the danger she is to her daughter and her community. Although when Laura finds out that her mother is responsible for the murder she is faced with an impossible task trying to decide whether or not she will expose her mother.

After writing our treatment we then drew up a schedule in order to get ourselves organised for the making of our thriller , this was our schedule:

Thursday 4 February 2010

the type of Thriller we produce could be based on either one of these ideas therefore this question could heplp us kow what kind of thriller the audience would want to watch.

Audience research

We asked the question in a thriller what plot interests you more. We asked this question because we felt that it would help determine the kind of plot we would like to encooperate into our own thriller.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Audience research

We asked ‘what part of a thriller would make you want to watch more’? As majority said the plot matters the most, we need to consider how our plot will make the audience want to continue watching the film. We should also take into account the cast as it was chosen too, this will help us to think carefully has how we portray our characters in the opening scene.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Audience Research

We asked our audience what they believed to be the most important aspect of opening thriller.

Most of our questionaires came back saying that they believed the narrative to be the most important aspect. This was helpful to us becuase it showed that we should focus on the narrative in order to appeal to our audience.

In our questionaire we asked " what genre are you most interested in?"Our results showed that most people liked thriller and action. They also liked liked other genres such as romance and comedy.

We know that we are unable to choose the conventions of our opening, however it means that we can incoperate conventions from other genres to appeal to our audience.

Audience research-questionaire

1.How often do you go to the cinemas?

- Once a week

- every month

- every year

- never

2. what genre are you interested in?





3. List your top 3 thrillers

4. What is the most important aspect of a thriller opening?

- The sound track



-Symbolic use of objects

5. what part of a thriller would make you want to watch it more?

- the plot

-the reviews



6. which form of advertising would most likely convince you to watch a movie?


-tv adverts


-other please state which one

7. What do you in your spare time?

8. if you don't like thrillers what don't you like about them?

9. what kind of plot interests you most?

- leaving you disorientated

-simplistic story line

-mystery in the beginning and resolved in the end

-left on a cliffhanger

10. what kind of thrillers do you prefer?


-suspense filled

-action based


Monday 1 February 2010

product research: phone booth

The music- sounds quit puzzling, and builds up a sense of suspense giving a reinforcement to the narrative.
-there is also the diegetic sound of someone breathing quite heavily which could suggest a possible danger or tension building up, which again could be linked to the narrative.

Opening credits-as the credits roll, a loud beat is used to introduce each of the stars featured in the movie.

The camera shot- also zooms in and out of the screen which is disorientating for the audience.

The complete opening- appears to be one shot creating a sense of a journey, although the camera moves quite quickly showing its a fast paced movie.

in our thriller we could use:
-music:loud drum beat to introduce the characters in the movie, heavy breathing sounds to create tension.
-camera shot: changing directions, angles to make the audience feel disorientated
-narrative: hints towards the narratives such as the heavy breathing, the telephone wire etc...

Product Research- Signs

This is the opening for Signs

Fast pacing music during credits to create a sense of panic

The use of atonal music to create a sense of lose of control, also seems like a heartbeating

The Piano acts of the protagonist of the music, being overtaken and having to compete with the other instruments

Straight after the title sequence it cuts to a typical famil backyard, then being framed by the window to show that somone is looking

Then goes to picture of a ideal picture of a family also in a frame,

This clip is then interpruted by the man ( mel gibson) who we see in the picture,waking up in disturbing manner

He's half in shadow, and looks completely different to how he looking in the picutre, to sugesst that there has been some corruption

As he walks into the corridor, we can hear the sounds of his foot to give a sense of isolation

He knocks on a childs door and hesitate,which suggest that there will be some, or has been some corruption to this childs innocence

He then hears a childs scream and opens the childs doors, and he opens the door the scene cuts into another man waking up from hearing the same scream which suggest a parrell between these two characters

The scene then goes to the front field where we the main character running the crop fields which creates a sense if antipation as it slows the time we see whats happening

He then see a young girl wearing white which suggest corruption of inocence again

After the man see a young boy who shows him whats wrong, we only see the mans reaction as he slowly walks along the corn fields which creates anticpation and suspense as the audience haven't seen whats happened yet