Monday 1 February 2010

product research: phone booth

The music- sounds quit puzzling, and builds up a sense of suspense giving a reinforcement to the narrative.
-there is also the diegetic sound of someone breathing quite heavily which could suggest a possible danger or tension building up, which again could be linked to the narrative.

Opening credits-as the credits roll, a loud beat is used to introduce each of the stars featured in the movie.

The camera shot- also zooms in and out of the screen which is disorientating for the audience.

The complete opening- appears to be one shot creating a sense of a journey, although the camera moves quite quickly showing its a fast paced movie.

in our thriller we could use:
-music:loud drum beat to introduce the characters in the movie, heavy breathing sounds to create tension.
-camera shot: changing directions, angles to make the audience feel disorientated
-narrative: hints towards the narratives such as the heavy breathing, the telephone wire etc...

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