Monday 26 April 2010

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 7

The preliminary task was helpful, it helped us with the cameras and the editing on imovie. i have learnt how to use a video camera properly. an example would be the 180 degree rule, that was quit hard to do because we thought we got it right but when we replayed it the continuity was a problem.

we used over the shoulder to show the case the daughter was working on. it wasn't to difficult filming this because we had used it in our preliminary task so we knew what we had to do, which was helpful.

when filming our preliminary task we encountered some problems with trying to get the same room so we can re-shoot some parts of the film. we llearnt that filming is not easy and that we will face some problems when filming, this may involve the location

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 6

we learnt how to use the cameras, we used the tripods and tracks to help keep our shots steady and clear. we encountered some problems whilst filming, an eaxample was when we was filming the scene of the window, the panning shot.
With imovie we learnt how to edit videos, add in effects if needed. once we started to use imovie more often it got more and more easier to use because at first i found it to be different, i wasnt used to it.
when we had to edit some of our videos we had problems with deleting scenes and spliting some scenes because we was worried we might delete the wrong ones.

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 5

we have tried to attract our audience by taking into account some of the feedback from our audience research. majority of our audince were interested in the plot, so we tried to make our plot confusing but interesting at the same time. we didnt want to give much away from our opening.
we used the idea of flash backs to show a different side to the character, and to also draw in the audience creating tension.

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 4

the audience we want totarget for our pschcological thriller would be people who are 18 years upwards, they are more into thriller films. i think this because i feel they would be more sensitive to the issues that arise.

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 3

I feel our pschological thriller is more mainstream then it is independent. This is because of the typical use of the classic thriller conventions an example is the use of non-diegetic eerie music we used to build tension and discomfort. Therefore i feel that 20th century fox will be best suited to distribute our film.As they have distributed a lot of thriller movies or film would be recognised by a wider audience. they have distributed a film called fight club which is in comparison to our film Domestic Duplicity, they both have characters with mental illness.

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 2

In our film we was trying to go for a typical house wife wearing her apron, just trying to make our character seem normal as she has schizophrenia. however we didnt want to make that side of her obvious. we looked at the film fight club as they covered the idea of a character who has schizopherenia.

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 1

In my opinion I feel our thriller film challenged the conventions of thriller by using a shot reverse shot for our flash back. This was used to show two different sides to the characters personality, creating a twist we did this to leave the audience confused as to whether it was the daughter or the mother walking. We used an extreme close up of the eyes at the end of the opening to create an enigma, and to leave the audience in discomfort. The credit was an inspiration from transformers. The red writing was chosen as it is a typical colour associated with horror/thrillers.