Monday 26 April 2010

Evaluation question 6 Dhana Nagulendrab

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We learnt a lot about the technologies while making our thriller. We experience the difficulties of using camera while filming. We had to use other equipment such as the tripod and the tracks
in order to carry out some techniques.

We also learnt how to use Imovie in order to edit our footage. we learnt how to cut, put in sound and add in affects. We learnt that using program we did experience some difficulties such as taking in and adding affects. We also experienced some

problems with loosing footage and having to upload again.

As a way of publishing all this work we used blogger, which abled us to create a blogg connected to our school blog. I believe this was a much better method compared to written work considering it meant it was more accessable as well as allowing us to add on photos and video and links which helped our explain our thriller in a more visual way.

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