Saturday 10 April 2010

Working copy of evaluation-unfinished version

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
While filming our thriller we tried to use a range of shots, i feel we did this to the best of our ability the shots we did use were close ups, panning shots and tracking shots. Each of these shots were done to empahsise a key aspect in the narrative, the tracking shots were done to create a sense of suspense and mystery.the close ups were done to create an emphasis on the emotion on the characters face and sometimes on a particular object like the frame (like signs)and the panning shot was done to create an emphasis on a particular object which in this cast was the frame.

2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our thriller displays the darker side of a person suffering from the disease of schitzophrenia, the portrayal of a schitzophrenic was very important to us therefore we took it upon ourselves to re-search on the disease to make sure we got an accurate portrayal of one (drawing inspiration from fightclub).We also,subverted the typical schitzophrenic as we made them the mother in our thriller showing our audience that it can happen to anyone.We also made the daughter the police officer in the thriller to try and create a narrative of the daughter going on a discovery to try and find out whos murdering people when its in fact her own mother.

3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
We feel as though our thriller would attract a more mainstream audience, due to the fact that it contains a typical convention of a psychological thriller which is the narrative of a mother being a schitzophrenic. Therefore i feel that teenagers above the age of 15 to adults of around 30 would want to see this film, it would also attract minorities such as movie lovers in general and people who love watching thrillers. Overall i think the movie distributor would be along the lines of 20th century fox because it has a history of releasing thrillers such as fightclub,kiss of death and man on fire.

4.Who would be the audience for your media product?
i think our target audience would be between l5 to late 20's as i think that young teen would find the psychlogical aspect of it quite intriguing as well as normal thriller lovers who would enjoy the sense of suspence. I think that people in their late 20's would want to watch something that would possibly scare them and kept in suspense till the end. This opinion was also shared by the audience re-search we conducted as the majority of students in our school would perfer being left in suspense till the end.

5.How did you attract/address your audience?
in the begining of our opening we did a panning shot of the diffrent objects on the shelf then went to a closeup of the police certificate to suggest a link between that and the daughter. We also didn't emphasise on the certificate to leave the audience intrigued. The tracking shot was done for a similar purpose as we included it to try and create a sense of suspense and wonder, these shots were constantly flshed back with the mother walking suggesting a link in the narrative. And lastly the mirror shot towards the end gave an accurate portrayal of a hidden identity of some sort we tried to portray this in the form of the mother looking into the mirror looking at possibly her alter ego.

6.What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
While constructing this product i found that working with the camera equipment is quite tricky, in order to get appropriate shot you have to adjust the camera accordingly. We also found although you do alot of filming there are many mistake that may occure whilst you begin to edit therefore re-shooting proved to be a constant task as we recurrently faced continuity problems and getting the location ready in the times located to us. We also found the task of getting fammiliar with the equipment a hard tast and quite time consuming as we had to practise for first time how to use equipment such as the tripod and trackers.

7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full task?

I feel our group did learn alot from the preliminary task as we noticed that the framing of the shots were completely wrong and therefore was ruining the narrative. We also learnt the difficulties of trying to get actresses available at the right time, therefore we used a girl that had the pretty much the same time table as ours which proved to be less time consuming. There were also shots we did that we now realised were unrealistic to the human eye such as the zooming, which we have now changed going straight into a panning shot. However we didnt include as many intresting shots as we would have liked, many of our shots consist of the same shots i think given more time we would have conetrated on getting a better location for our thriller and would have tried a few more angles on particular shots. Although i do feel as though we imprved greatly from our original preliminary task.

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