Saturday 24 April 2010

Shameelah Iqbal: Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The title of the film i feel fitted perfectly with the narrative, as it didnt give the narrative away completely but still gave an element of a hint as to what to the narrative may be. We also thought of the name duplicity however, that was already taken therefore we changed the name to Domestic Duplicity as we felt that as Duplicity was already a major hit we would use the name and add a word that reflected the storyline in our thriller. We also took inspiration from a news article in 2009 about a paranoid schizophrenic killing a police officer...

The setting of the thriller is in the bungalo, to create a house atmosphere where the mother does her typical domestic chores, our inspiration for the location was drawn from an episode of desperate housewives.

We encountered many problems with the bungalo's availability,after asking permission we were restricted to using the bungalo for filming to only three days a week. however we felt that the bunglao was the only appropriate location to hold our thriller therefore we made sure we made up for the extra time after school.

The costumes and props we tried to use were typical housewife clothes this included apron and wellingtons. We also used classic housewife props such as a kitchen, kitchen knife and gardening tools etc... The house wife clothing caused us to make a lot of continuity errors such as the female housewife not having her apron with her when needed or not having the same t-shirt on in all her shots. This was mainly caused because the actress forgot the clothing she was meant to wear on the appropriate days.

While filming our thriller we tried to use a range of shots, i feel we did this to the best of our ability the shots we did use were close ups, panning shots and tracking shots. Each of these shots were done to empahsise a key aspect in the narrative, the tracking shots were done to create a sense of suspense and mystery.the close ups were done to create an emphasis on the emotion on the characters face and sometimes on a particular object like the certificate, and the panning shot was done to create an emphasis on a particular object.

We drew inspiration from the titles of transformers as we felt this gave a sense of suspense and was an effective way of drawing the audience in. We also noticed that the transformers credits broke up the scenes in order to give the audience a sense of anticipation. We also looked at the credits of jurassic park and found them to be similiar, they also created the same sort of mystery.

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