Monday 26 April 2010

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 7

The preliminary task was helpful, it helped us with the cameras and the editing on imovie. i have learnt how to use a video camera properly. an example would be the 180 degree rule, that was quit hard to do because we thought we got it right but when we replayed it the continuity was a problem.

we used over the shoulder to show the case the daughter was working on. it wasn't to difficult filming this because we had used it in our preliminary task so we knew what we had to do, which was helpful.

when filming our preliminary task we encountered some problems with trying to get the same room so we can re-shoot some parts of the film. we llearnt that filming is not easy and that we will face some problems when filming, this may involve the location

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 6

we learnt how to use the cameras, we used the tripods and tracks to help keep our shots steady and clear. we encountered some problems whilst filming, an eaxample was when we was filming the scene of the window, the panning shot.
With imovie we learnt how to edit videos, add in effects if needed. once we started to use imovie more often it got more and more easier to use because at first i found it to be different, i wasnt used to it.
when we had to edit some of our videos we had problems with deleting scenes and spliting some scenes because we was worried we might delete the wrong ones.

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 5

we have tried to attract our audience by taking into account some of the feedback from our audience research. majority of our audince were interested in the plot, so we tried to make our plot confusing but interesting at the same time. we didnt want to give much away from our opening.
we used the idea of flash backs to show a different side to the character, and to also draw in the audience creating tension.

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 4

the audience we want totarget for our pschcological thriller would be people who are 18 years upwards, they are more into thriller films. i think this because i feel they would be more sensitive to the issues that arise.

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 3

I feel our pschological thriller is more mainstream then it is independent. This is because of the typical use of the classic thriller conventions an example is the use of non-diegetic eerie music we used to build tension and discomfort. Therefore i feel that 20th century fox will be best suited to distribute our film.As they have distributed a lot of thriller movies or film would be recognised by a wider audience. they have distributed a film called fight club which is in comparison to our film Domestic Duplicity, they both have characters with mental illness.

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 2

In our film we was trying to go for a typical house wife wearing her apron, just trying to make our character seem normal as she has schizophrenia. however we didnt want to make that side of her obvious. we looked at the film fight club as they covered the idea of a character who has schizopherenia.

Georgina Nyantakyi evaluation question 1

In my opinion I feel our thriller film challenged the conventions of thriller by using a shot reverse shot for our flash back. This was used to show two different sides to the characters personality, creating a twist we did this to leave the audience confused as to whether it was the daughter or the mother walking. We used an extreme close up of the eyes at the end of the opening to create an enigma, and to leave the audience in discomfort. The credit was an inspiration from transformers. The red writing was chosen as it is a typical colour associated with horror/thrillers.

Evaluation question 7 Dhana Nagulendran

7. Looking back at the preliminary task( the continuity editing task) what do you feel you have learnt in the aggression from it to full production?

We have learnt a lot of stuff from the preliminary task such as the use of camera techniques. Since the preliminary task we were able to to expand our the camera angles and techniques we used.
Some of the techniques we used in the preliminary task we were able to use in the real thing, suhc as the " over shoulder shot". The preliminary task was affective becuase it meant that we could experience using these techniques before the filming the thriller.

We also learnt about issues that we would encounter during filming, such as problems with our location. During filming of our preliminary task we faced many issues with the room we used considering it was in use alot of the time which delayed our filming.. This meant that in planning we used a location which was reliable.
We also established the issues that came with continuity and tried to overcome these in our thriller. 

Evaluation question 6 Dhana Nagulendrab

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We learnt a lot about the technologies while making our thriller. We experience the difficulties of using camera while filming. We had to use other equipment such as the tripod and the tracks
in order to carry out some techniques.

We also learnt how to use Imovie in order to edit our footage. we learnt how to cut, put in sound and add in affects. We learnt that using program we did experience some difficulties such as taking in and adding affects. We also experienced some

problems with loosing footage and having to upload again.

As a way of publishing all this work we used blogger, which abled us to create a blogg connected to our school blog. I believe this was a much better method compared to written work considering it meant it was more accessable as well as allowing us to add on photos and video and links which helped our explain our thriller in a more visual way.

Evaluation question 5 Dhana Nagulendran

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

When carrying our audience research we tried our best to adress our audience with the conventions they wanted. However while planning we worked that putting in the some of the things they wanted was not achieveable such as adding comedy to our thrillers

We used the idea of a murder straight away in out thriller, so the audience would get fully engaged into the depth of the murder right at the start.

We also used the idea of flash backs inorder to bring out the idea of a hidden past which is ambigious to the audience leading them into suspense and wanting to watch more.

The sound we used creates suspense the eery affect which leaves the audience feeling tense and in suspense. We thought create a contrast with the ideal setting meaning that it would lead the audience into conufusion about the narrative aswell as leading them to think of somekind of corruption.

We got the music of a free non copy right site we were not allowed to use copyright music. We used two different sounds- the main music throughout the thriller and then right at the end we used a outtdoor sound with ambulance and a dogg barking inorder to create a sense of danger.

Evaluation question 4 Dhana Nagulendran

From our audience research we worked our that our audience prefered a more thriller which inculded a murder meaning that our audience like the idea of crime. We also worked out that our audience prefered a more pyscological thriller which gave us the idea for the use of mental illness.

The audience were appealing to our young people who enjoy mainstream films. Their reason for going to see a film may be due to their friend influence rather then the themes or plots of the film.

Evaluation question 3 Dhana Nagulendran

3. What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product?

I think a mainstream institution would distribute our thriller considering it hold many mainstream ideas and themes. The use of the typical suburban women as well as the idea of mental illness which is used by many big film instituions.

Many conventions we used were very mainstream such as the title credits. The title credits we used are very similar to many mainstream films such as transfromers. We used basic titles on a black screen with red writing. We believed that using an more abstract title which had pictures which be affective in our squence. On our title squence we inculded the name of the production group (GSD) and then the name of the people of the who acting it in, then the name of the people who produced it. Last we inculded the name of the Film Domestic Duplicity.

Evaluation question 2 Dhana Nagulendran

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

We looked at the idea of the typical suburbon housewife , for example from Desperate housewives and American beauty. By this we portrayed the idea of a idealist setting with an idealistic house. We then wanted to bring in the idea of corruption and place a murder in this perfect setting.

We looked at thrillers that covered the issue of schizophrenia such as fight club.We used the idea of the split screen when the main character is looking in the mirror to show the characters spilt personality. By this we hope the audience we get the idea of schizophrenia,

Evaulation Question 1 Dhana Nagulendran

1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our media products uses many typical conventions of opening of a thriller. Before we started filming we looked at many thrillers and the conventions we could use in our own sequence.

We aimed to have a typical suburban housewives to give a idealistic view of her life, therefore we could bring in the idea of the horros behind the domestic bliss.

We also tried to use the idea of the " perfect setting" with suburbon houses.
To try and bring this idea about, we used the bunglow at our school.

Right at the start we used the close up the family pictures just like in the film signs. I done this so you could get the idea of a perfect ideal family. The audience are aware of the fact that its a ideal picture which will or has been lead to some sort of corruption.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Shameelah Iqbal: Question 7

7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full task?

I feel our group did learn alot from the preliminary task as we noticed that the framing of the shots were completely wrong and therefore was ruining the narrative. these were the shots we had difficulty with:

We also learnt the difficulties of trying to get actresses available at the right time, therefore we used a girl that had the pretty much the same time table as ours which proved to be less time consuming.
There were also shots we did that we now realised were unrealistic to the human eye such as the zooming, which we have now changed going straight into a panning shot. However we didnt include as many intresting shots as we would have liked, many of our shots consist of the same shots.

I think given more time we would have conetrated on getting a better location for our thriller and would have tried a few more angles on particular shots. Although i do feel as though we imprved greatly from our original preliminary task.

Shameelah Iqbal: Question 6

6.What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
While constructing this product i found that working with the camera equipment is quite tricky, in order to get appropriate shot you have to adjust the camera accordingly, so that we are able to place the camera in different angles. These were the different shots we took:

Tracking shot, Point of view shot and Over the shoulder shot

We also found although you do alot of filming there are many mistakes that may occure whilst you begin to film therefore re-shooting proved to be a constant task as we recurrently faced continuity problems and getting the location ready in the times located to us. We also found the task of getting fammiliar with the equipment a hard tast and quite time consuming as we had to practise for first time how to use equipment such as the tripod and trackers.

We also used a different type of tecnology in the form of imovie, at first we found this extremely hard to use although after practice from our preliminary task we got to grips with the new equipment. I have also highlighted the advantages we gained by using imovie as demostrated

Along with imovie, there were also other aspects to the film like editing and the sound. The sound was very easy to use as we downloaded the music we wanted from the following websites: and

then dragged them into itunes library, from there we simply clicked on editing and chose the music from our itunes library.
This was the toolbar in which we added our titles with, we simply were able to change the way it come on to our screen, the way it left our screen and if we wanted any effects with it.

We were also able to adjust the deep sounds and the lighter beats to try and cause suspense at the right times.